How can I register for the symposium?
Please go to HERE to register.
Can I join as an observer?
Sure! Please click HERE to register.Â
Where can I submit proof of payment?
Please click HERE to submit your proof of payment.
How do I view the symposium schedule?
Please click HERE to view. It is updated periodically leading to the symposium, so do check regularly.
What should be the length of my paper?
It is typically between 8 to 10Â pages in this TEMPLATE in preparing your full paper
Where can I submit my paper?
Please click HERE to submit your paper.
Once I have registered and paid for my paper, can I get a refund if I choose to withdraw?
All payments made are final. Therefore, there will be no refunds for participants that choose to withdraw their papers.
When can I get my receipt?
The receipts will be given out post-symposium via email.
When can I get my presentation certificate?
The certificates will typically be given out after the symposium has ended via email.
Contact Us
Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka Kampus Jasin,
77300 Merlimau, Melaka
Tel : 06-264 5269 / 5341/ 5265 / 5304/5271/5297/5305